ANTI - anti-ah-lian-team

Monday, November 5, 2007

#aaalteam 4#

Hi! AAALteam is back to post! (;
Firstly, I'll like to declare that we're the ahlians + ahbengs team! alrights lame =.=

Anyway, today's topic will be ..... *Drum rolls*
Posts of aalteam! (:

By aalteam : Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Post.

Four letters. HA HA.

I find it really amusing that people would put up a blog to rival us out of spite. I wonder if they did it out of pure spite or anger that we took down their only way of spamming and flaming.

Can I ask you a question? Then your purpose(aalteam) of putting up your blog is? (:

Anyhow. A thought struck me while i was browsing through their web.

Shouldn't that be "Anyway" instead of "anyhow"? It make no sense at all! And to add on the point which aalteam (From what I've remembered) claims that by looking at Ahlians bled their eyes. So why even bother to BROWSE us aaalteam? Isn't that irony enough? (:

Ironically, they're against us, yet they seem to depend on our material to counter us. Ahh the joy of contradiction and irony.

Isn't aalteam depend on us, the Ahlians to post their stuffs about too?

So i have a question. Can you live like a caveman for a week?
That's right. Caveman. CAAAAVEMAN. No tv, no handphone, no ipod, no laptop, no computer, no PDA, no mp3, no mp4, no discman, no camera, no video cam, hell, no lightbulbs no flushing-toilets, no air-con, no fan, no electricity, etc you get the idea. Simply, you, yourself and the wall.

Well, let me #aaal 4# to ask you back, doesn't your ancestor live in cave too? OH OH! or what you mean is you're born from rock? Like Sun WuKong the Monkey God? Lmaos

Bringing me to yet another point. Some of you readers are right. Why the heck should we care about ah lians and what they intend to do? Then i thought, yeah we shouldn't care. We should just ignore them, let them be. If they die, they die. If they are thrown into jail, they're thrown into jail. If they get away scott-free with theft, they get away. If they bash up close friends, yeah we should let them continue. It's their damn life isn't it. They can end up as hobos and i wouldn't give a hoot.

And then i saw their new website.

Oh gosh, are you stepping on your own foot? Claiming that "why the heck should we care about ah lians" Then why view our blog?? Evidence : "And then i saw their new website."

but now it seems like they're saying that beating people up is good. Smoking gives you a long life and theft is da bomb.

There again, do we WRITE that smoking gives you a long life or so? Don't put words in our mouth. (:

Back to the point, while we here have censored more than half, close to 70% or more of the photos and backing down a lot

Are you SURE its censored more than HALF? Its seems like its only censored 20% of it to me!


Coming to the conclusion, AALteam depend on us, Ahlians to get their blog popular. Like-wise, so are we.(: But the main motive of our blog is to prove that Ahlians can be educated as well (:
This is called as the "sweet revenge" of AALteam, as they claims to said "
Having seen for themselves the true horror of these attention seekers" They wanted to get their revenge back on Ahlians? Just because they've been bullied before? Alrights, tell me now. Who DON'T get bullied before? And for your info, the word BULLY has its meaning (:

Proudly brought to you by aaal#4#

Have a nice day ahead!


At November 5, 2007 at 7:02 AM , Blogger Tiger Lily said...

the anti aal team and the aal team each has their own mistakes as shown in this post. i agree with the anti aal team about the 'haha four lettered thing, but i would like to say tht thre is DEFINITELY a word as 'anyhow'.it means: whatever way or manner; 2.however, as shown in the dictionary, in which the aal team is using the first reasoning of 'anyhow' for its post. but yes, the aal team is also using the anti aal team's posts as a counter. and the rest, i still agree with the anti aal team's blog luhs. i mean, their logical and all this time round. and besides, im ahlian. cheers. oh yes, aal suck for saying tht ahlians dont pass exams and uses bad english. we. have. good. english.

At November 5, 2007 at 7:17 AM , Blogger rainingtheskiesaway said...

when they said CAVEMAN, i think it's just a figurative analogy.. =)

At November 10, 2007 at 7:12 AM , Blogger Alexis! :D said...

'HA HA' with a spacing in between,
DOES comprise of only four letters,
unless you really bored people with nothing to do in your lifes except being lians,
count spacings as letters then i have nothing to say.
and yes, as felicia said,
there IS a word as anyhow.
by browsing at your blog,
we are actually seeing you?
by 'caveman',
they didnt literally mean caveman as in stone age,
the definition would be you ah lians.
and you ah lians are definetely educated in science,
'caveman are born from rocks'!
and they didnt literally mean,
smoking gives you long life,
they said,
of course they have censored more than half,
if not they would have put the full addresses of the ahlians/ahbengs friendsters/blogs and let people like us,
spam them until they faint.
thats all.
if ah lians were educated,
they wouldnt be ah lians,
would they?

At November 18, 2007 at 3:11 AM , Blogger emo_uchiha said...

you guys are really typical ah lians. you don't make any sense at all.

"So i have a question. Can you live like a caveman for a week?
That's right. Caveman. CAAAAVEMAN. No tv, no handphone, no ipod, no laptop, no computer, no PDA, no mp3, no mp4, no discman, no camera, no video cam, hell, no lightbulbs no flushing-toilets, no air-con, no fan, no electricity, etc you get the idea. Simply, you, yourself and the wall.

Well, let me #aaal 4# to ask you back, doesn't your ancestor live in cave too? OH OH! or what you mean is you're born from rock? Like Sun WuKong the Monkey God? Lmaos"

what do the ancestors of people living in caves got anything to do with the aal asking whether you can live like a caveman?
you're not answering the question at hand. unless you mean to say that since your ancestors lived in caves, you would be able to do so too?
sorry i can't exactly understand "lian" so if you did mean another thing, feel free to explain to me. i'm having a hard time trying to understand this language.

At November 21, 2007 at 12:00 AM , Blogger JDream said...

Typical Ah Lian speak. Worst kind of English I've ever come across.

What's with the lame@$$ "lorhhs"? So uncivilized.

You guys bring shame to the Chinese race.

At December 13, 2008 at 4:09 AM , Blogger ryneim said...

1. "Anyhow" can be used instead of "anyway". Considering the fact that English is the first language of most Singaporeans, you know very little, don't you?

2. Please don't take things so literally, please. By asking if you ah lians could live like a caveman, the author was asking if you guys could live non-materialistically, or are your lives really defined by the things you own. If that were the case, I'd say you guys are rather sad souls.

3. The fact that the AALteam has to depend on your guys to get their material isn't something to be proud of. It means that the things you guys do have such a negative impact and connotation that they can't help but to give their attention to you.

Good day to all of you though. I admit that I've found lots of fault with this blog (well, this post actually), but I'd like to see the ah lians' point of views and their attempts to salvage their dignity, which is currently being torn to shreds by people like the AALteam.

And just for the record, I don't fully support what the AALteam is doing. It's true that they have a point (somewhat), but they have a weak way of bringing it across. And though their English is good, I think they're being immensely childish about some of their views.

Have a lovely Christmas and New Year. :)

At March 4, 2009 at 2:53 AM , Blogger Sot Yuxin said...

oh my.

I know im rather lag to only have seen this blog now D:

Anyway, you people are really amusing.

You criticize their critism of you, and you cant even criticize properly in the sense that you don't understand simple english (perhaps not so simple for you) and pretend to know everything and criticize them anyway.

Four letters.


At September 14, 2009 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you're damn right the AAL team depends on you people (for interesting articles to write, that is). Browsing through your pathetic arguments, which barely even stand as a rebuke, you people have proven how "intellectually disadvantaged" you people are. If any of you want other people to take you seriously, make a REAL debate, not some half minded attempt to correct words/grammar etc. That sort of stuff only proves how superficial you people are, merely skimming the surface, and not touching the content.Whatever the case, I assume that the general Ahlian society must've been shortchanged in the brain department. Sure, you can have fun now, smoke, and be happy. But what happens when you're thirty? You think the world's forever gonna be like that (with you always having what you want?) Get real..

At February 21, 2010 at 5:13 PM , Blogger Eileen ♥ said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 21, 2010 at 5:19 PM , Blogger Eileen ♥ said...

Agree to what Felicia had say.
Ah Lians are also capable of passing exams and excel in life.
Cheers, I am a Ah Lian too.
I don't speak perfect english but I believe I do speak good english.
And we, ah lians can speak good english as well.


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